Adolfo García Sastre: " Interacciones del virus de la gripe con el hospedador"


Adolfo García Sastre Professor, Department of Microbiology.Fishberg Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases.Director, Global Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute.Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.Influenza A viruses have a remarkable host breadth, ranging from different mammalian to avian species, the latter being its natural reservoir. A high mutational rate, combined with viral gene assortment due to a segmented genome, allows the virus to adapt to new hosts, including the evasion of host-specific antiviral innate immune mechanisms. In the recent years, the viral protein NS1 has been characterized as a multi-tasking virulence factor, playing an essential role in inhibiting the type-I interferon antiviral response and enabling viral replication. However, the specific contribution of the different NS1s present in circulating influenza A virus strains in the overall replication, pathogenicity and host preference of these strains is not known. We have used a novel approach to analyze the NS1 evolutionary landscape and host tropism using a barcoded library of recombinant influenza A viruses containing a curated selection of NS1 genes representative of the NS1 sequence diversity found in nature. Relative viral fitness was analyzed through barcode-based deep sequencing, which revealed host species-driven selection events for specific NS1 genes within the viral population. Surprisingly, the results revealed diverse evolutionary pathways taken by the NS1 of influenza A viruses according to their multiple phylogenetic lineages, with some NS1s becoming very specialized for specific host species, and others promoting efficient viral replication in multiple hosts. The high evolutionary plasticity of this viral protein underscores the ability of influenza A virus to adapt to multiple hosts.

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia Centenario de la Gripe Española de 1918

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Robert G. Webster: "La búsqueda del origen del "monstruo" conocido como gripe española"


Ilaria Capua: "Gripe, populismo y postverdad"


Raúl Ortiz de Lejarazu Leonardo: "La huella serológica de la gripe española en humanos"


Adolfo García Sastre: " Interacciones del virus de la gripe con el hospedador"


Amelia Nieto: "Proteínas y ARNs virales: un mecanismo coordinado para aumentar la patogenicidad del virus de la gripe"


Mirco Schmolke: "La distorsión local y sistémica de la homeostasis de la microbiota causada por la infección por el virus de la gripe A provoca una superinfección bacteriana"


Mirco Schmolke: "La distorsión local y sistémica de la homeostasis de la microbiota causada por la infección por el virus de la gripe A provoca una superinfección bacteriana"


Inmaculada Casas: "El virus de la gripe y sus infecciones anuales"


Peter Palese: "Pasos hacia una vacuna universal frente al virus de la gripe"
