Ilaria Capua: "Gripe, populismo y postverdad"


Ilaria Capua Director, One Health Center of Excellence University of Florida, Gainesville, FL-USA.Former Member of the Italian Parliament.The rise of populism worldwide is challenging science and its tenants and is fueling the rise of anti-science movements. The latter attack scientific discoveries or science based policy or scientific activity by amplifying wrong messages and generating and disseminating fake news. Inevitably, this will affect policy makers and funding agencys areas of interest and funding schemes. It is essential that we do not leave a void and that our perspective heard is clear and loud. As a call to responsibility, many scientists worldwide are ready to take a public stand in defense of the principles that we share as a community. Taking a public stand can come with slanderous personal and institutional attacks as an attempt to shake institutional scientific credibility. The virology community as a whole - and the influenza community in particular are at risk of similar misrepresentation: we use verbiage in which we refer to animal experiments, cloning, reverse genetics and which include words and concepts that are now being questioned. Defending the credibility of the influenza research community in response to populist attacks should become one of our most urgent priorities. Leaders of the scientific community worldwide should promote a reflection on this topic to improve vigilance and preparedness to limit the damage that such viral attacks may cause.

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia Centenario de la Gripe Española de 1918

Anton Erkoreka: "Historia y algunas reflexiones sobre la pandemia de la gripe española (1918-1919)"


Robert G. Webster: "La búsqueda del origen del "monstruo" conocido como gripe española"


Ilaria Capua: "Gripe, populismo y postverdad"


Raúl Ortiz de Lejarazu Leonardo: "La huella serológica de la gripe española en humanos"


Adolfo García Sastre: " Interacciones del virus de la gripe con el hospedador"


Amelia Nieto: "Proteínas y ARNs virales: un mecanismo coordinado para aumentar la patogenicidad del virus de la gripe"


Mirco Schmolke: "La distorsión local y sistémica de la homeostasis de la microbiota causada por la infección por el virus de la gripe A provoca una superinfección bacteriana"


Mirco Schmolke: "La distorsión local y sistémica de la homeostasis de la microbiota causada por la infección por el virus de la gripe A provoca una superinfección bacteriana"


Inmaculada Casas: "El virus de la gripe y sus infecciones anuales"


Peter Palese: "Pasos hacia una vacuna universal frente al virus de la gripe"
