Robert G. Webster: "La búsqueda del origen del "monstruo" conocido como gripe española"


Robert G. Webster, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Memphis, TN USA\nThe first wave of the 1918 influenza pandemic was mild. Historical records indicate that it arose in United States and was carried to the trenches in France by American doughboys. It is unknown when and how the mild strain became a monster virus that caused healthy young adults to hemorrhage from the nose and ears and drown in their own blood. Conditions in the trenches with crowding, mutagenic gases and abysmal hygiene provided optimal conditions for the genesis of the monster virus. In retrospect it is probable that America unintentionally used biological warfare to win World War 1. The German commander Erich von Ludendorff claimed that the virus caused the collapse of the German army.\nThe causative agent of pandemic influenza was identified as a virus, but the source was unknown. Speculation was that hypermutation of circulating influenza strains or domestic animals including the pig or poultry were possible sources. Studies with the late Graeme Laver on migratory seabirds on the Great Barrier Reef of Australia provided some of the first evidence that the wild aquatic birds of the world are one of the ultimate reservoirs of influenza viruses. The segmented nature of the influenza genome permits reassortment between influenza viruses from different hosts and contribute to the generation of pandemic influenza viruses. There is a vast reservoir of influenza viruses in aquatic birds and in bats; the challenge is to predict which influenza viruses have the capacity for host range jumping, and which combinations have the potential to be monsters.

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia Centenario de la Gripe Española de 1918

Anton Erkoreka: "Historia y algunas reflexiones sobre la pandemia de la gripe española (1918-1919)"


Robert G. Webster: "La búsqueda del origen del "monstruo" conocido como gripe española"


Ilaria Capua: "Gripe, populismo y postverdad"


Raúl Ortiz de Lejarazu Leonardo: "La huella serológica de la gripe española en humanos"


Adolfo García Sastre: " Interacciones del virus de la gripe con el hospedador"


Amelia Nieto: "Proteínas y ARNs virales: un mecanismo coordinado para aumentar la patogenicidad del virus de la gripe"


Mirco Schmolke: "La distorsión local y sistémica de la homeostasis de la microbiota causada por la infección por el virus de la gripe A provoca una superinfección bacteriana"


Mirco Schmolke: "La distorsión local y sistémica de la homeostasis de la microbiota causada por la infección por el virus de la gripe A provoca una superinfección bacteriana"


Inmaculada Casas: "El virus de la gripe y sus infecciones anuales"


Peter Palese: "Pasos hacia una vacuna universal frente al virus de la gripe"
