Intereses españoles en el Ártico


Navy Captain Ignacio José Garcia Sánchez is the deputy director of the Spanish Institu te for Strategic Studies (IEEE ) . Coming from the Headquarters of the Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk (USA), he served as NATO Division Chief of Capabilities Program. Another destination where the NATO Planning Forces (2001 2004). Once completed the task of commanding the Dolphin submarine, he was assigned to the Operational Department of the Naval War College (EGN), where he received the position of Senior Lecturer of the department during the last year of the course on Naval War. Later he became lecturer o f Strategy Studies dur ing the first two years of the course on m ilitary Staff at the College of The Armed Forces (ESFAS) within the Center for Advanced Defense Studies (CESEDEN). Later, he was assigned to NATO in the area of Defense Force Planning.

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia El Ártico: oportunidades y riesgos derivados del cambio climático

Hielo marino y clima



Permafrost ártico en el marco del calentamiento global


El papel de las poblaciones indígenas en la gobernanza del Ártico


El interés de la Unión Europea en el Ártico



Industrias extractivas y pueblos indígenas


Intereses españoles en el Ártico
