El impacto de las ciencias ómicas en la salud pública y los sistemas de salud


Jose María Martín, he holds a doctoral and medical degree from the University of Granada (MD, PhD), and a masters and doctoral degree from Harvard University (MPH, DrPH). He has extensive experience in the fields of medicine, public health and healthcare management. With over 300 publications, he has held important positions at both national and international levels. In Spain, he has been Director of the National School of Public Health, of the Health Technology Assessment Agency and the Director-General of Public Health at the Ministry of Health. Internationally, he served as Director of Programme Management at the World Health Organizations Regional Office for Europe and, before. He has also been President of the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER), and collaborated in different technical and scientific committees, including for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the European Commission (through diverse working groups organized under the Directorate General for Health and Consumers, and the Directorate General of Research), and the European Parliament, through the office evaluating scientific and technical policy options (STOA, Science and Technology Options Assessment). Currently, he is Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Valencia and Coordinating Physician of the Quality Unit at the University Clinical Hospital of Valencia. He is a member of the Spains Royal Academy of Medicine (within the Valencian Community section), Senior Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins (USA), and Senior Adviser to the WHO Regional Office for Europe.

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia Impacto de las Ciencias Ómicas

El impacto de las ciencias ómicas en la salud pública y los sistemas de salud



Terapias del cáncer: aproximaciones más precisas y personalizadas



Nutrigenómica, precisión para las recomendaciones nutricionales


Genes de resistencia a antibióticos: el resistoma intestinal


Microbioma para la salud humana


Impacto de las Ciencias Ómicas en medicia, nutrición y biotecnología


Personal omics for a bbetter health


Through preventive health and personalized nutrition


From Big Data to precision medicine


Medicina de precisión: retos y promesas


Una nueva era dorada para la biotecnología médica y farmacéutica: ¿estamos cumpliendo la promesa de secuenciar el genoma humano?
