Formando la cara humana: la influencia del medio ambiente y movimiento de poblaciones


Prof. Harvati is a paleoanthropologist specializing in Neanderthal evolution, modern human origins and the application of 3-D geometric morphometric and virtual anthropology methods to paleoanthropology. Her broader research interests include primate and human evolution; evolutionary theory; evolution of primate and human life-history; the relationship of morphological variability to population history and the environment; and Paleolithic archaeology. Her work has been published in Nature, Science, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and many other peer-reviewed international journals. She conducts fieldwork in Europe and Africa, (Greece and Tanzania) and currently directs the European Research Starting Grant Project Paleoanthropology at the Gates of Europe. She is the director of the new DFG Centre for Advanced Studies Words, Bones, Genes, Tools: Tracking linguistic, cultural and biological trajectories of the human past. In 2010 she was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and in 2014 she was awarded the prestigious Research Award of the state of Baden-Württemberg.

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia La historia evolutiva de la cara humana

La cara del "Australipithecus" y el Origen del "Homo"


Módulos morfofuncionales en el cráneo y la evolución en mosaicos


Morfología craneofacial en el Pleistoceno Medio y el Origen de los Humanos


Evolución de la morfología facial moderna


Una historia de dos caras


Formando la cara humana: la influencia del medio ambiente y movimiento de poblaciones


Remodelación ósea: un mecanismo para evaluar la evolución del complejo craneofacial

Interpretación de las diferencias en capacidad funcional en humanos recientes
