Estrategias preventivas en la obesidad. Atención a los primeros años de vida


Fernando Rodríguez Artalejo, MD, PhD, is Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health and director of the doctoral program in Epidemiology and Public Health at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dr. Rodriguez-Artalejo received his MD (1983) and PhD (1986) degrees from the UAM, and was certified as specialist in Preventive Medicine (1986) at La Paz University Hospital in Madrid. He underwent postdoctoral training in epidemiological research in UMass at Amherst (1987) and Tufts University (1988). He also obtained professional experience in health administration at the Ministry of Health of Spain, where he held responsibilities in the area of epidemiology and health planning (1985-1990). Then he moved to the School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA) to serve as Visiting Assistant Professor in the Division of Behavioral Sciences (1991). In the period 1992-1995 he worked as Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the UAM, and then moved to the University of the Basque Country (1995-2000) to serve as full professor. Since 2000 he has worked at the UAM. His main research interests are the study of the influence of non-cardiac factors on the prognosis of patients with heart failure, the population-based assessment of cardiovascular health, and the study of the effect of lifestyle on improving cardiovascular health and quality, as well as reversing frailty, in older adults. He currently is a member of the several research and health policy committees, including the: Executive Board of CIBERESP (Center for Network Research on Epidemiology and Public health. Ministry of Health); Steering Committee of IdiPaz (Institute for Biomedical Research La Paz, Madrid); External Scientific Advisory Committee of the Ramón y Cajal Institute for Biomedical Research, the Cien Foundation, and the Lilly Foundation; Research Committee of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministry of Economy; and European Advisory Committee on Health Research, World Health Organization.

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia Lo último en obesidad

Rueda de prensa: Lo último en obesidad


Genética, comportamiento y obesidad: estado de la cuestión y preguntas pendientes


Obesidad y resistencia insulínica cerebral: causa o consecuencia


Obesidad, expandibilidad del tejido adiposo y Síndrome Metabólico


Identificación de genes de susceptibilidad en la diabetes tipo 2 y en la obesidad


Perfil de expresión génica de la obesidad programada y su control dentro del sistema de la leptina


Nuevos genes de la obesidad: perspectivas desde la arquitectura 3D del genoma


El cáncer como complicación de la obesidad: una aproximación desde la epigenética


Sueño, cronobiología y obesidad


Efectos terapéuticos de la inhibición de la PI3K en el Síndrome Metabólico y la obesidad en ratones y monos


Tratamiento farmacológico de la obesidad: estado de la cuestión


Estrategias preventivas en la obesidad. Atención a los primeros años de vida


Resultados de la cirugía bariátrica en la obesidad y sus complicaciones. Análisis crítico: necesidad de un cambio de paradigma


Biomarcadores omic en epidemiología nutricional. Tendencias presentes y futuras
