Caracterización y síntesis de materia orgánica en cometas y meteoritos


Guillermo M. Muñoz Caro is coordinator of the Interstellar and Circumstellar Medium research line at the Center of Astrobiology (CAB, INTA-CSIC). He is the principal investigator of the Cosmic Dust Network integrated by four Spanish institutions. He published more than 50 articles in astrophysical journals, Nature, Science, PNAS, and Chem. Soc. Rev., with more than 2000 citations. He is advisor of scientific proposals submitted to France (ANR), UK (STFC and NERC), Germany (DFG), USA (NASA), and Poland (NSC). His research is dedicated to ice and dust processes in space leading to the formation of organic species, and the organic fraction in interplanetary dust, comets and meteorites, which could have triggered prebiotic chemistry on Earth. He gained international recognition with the first synthesis of amino acids under simulated interstellar conditions. He is the responsible of the ISAC ultra-high vacuum system at CAB for the study of ice processes in space. He participates in the planned SPICA-SAFARI mission and the COSAC-Rosetta mission, the later led to the first in situ detection of organic molecules on a cometary surface.

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Caracterización y síntesis de materia orgánica en cometas y meteoritos


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