Los orígenes de la química de sistemas de la vida


John D. Sutherland studied chemistry at Oxford, and then spent a spell as a Kennedy Scholar at Harvard. Upon return to the UK, he carried out his doctoral work with Jack Baldwin at Oxford, and then stayed in Oxford as a Lecturer in Organic Chemistry. In 1998 he took a chair at Manchester, and in 2010 moved to the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge. He is interested in chemistry associated with the origin of life. He has published more than 100 articles in several top journals including Nature, Nature Chemistry, Angewandte Chemie and Journal of the American Chemical Society. He has been awarded with The Max Tishler Prize Lectureship (Harvard University, USA, 2009), The Royal Society of Chemistry Tilden Prize (2011), The Royal Society Darwin Medal (2014), and has been Co-winner of the Origin of Life Challenge (2012).

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia Los orígenes de la vida y su búsqueda en el universo

Los orígenes de la química de sistemas de la vida


Competición y cooperación entre replicones sencillos


Orígenes y evolución temprana de las vías metabólicas


Microorganismos en fuentes termales de Costa Rica a la Antártida


Penetrando bajo la piel rocosa de Atacama: el último refugio de la vida


Los reinos del espacio, un banco de pruebas para la astrobiología


Caracterización y síntesis de materia orgánica en cometas y meteoritos


Detección y caracterización de planetas extrasolares parecidos a la Tierra


Búsqueda de vida en mundos oceánicos del sistema solar exterior
