Microorganismos en fuentes termales de Costa Rica a la Antártida


"Carlos Pedrós-Alió graduated in biology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and got his Ph.D. in bacteriology at the University of WisconsinMadison. After a postdoctoral stay at the Autonomous University, he became an Assistant Professor of Microbiology. He moved to the Marine Sciences Institute (CSIC, Barcelona) in 1989, where he was a Research Professor since 2000. In 2016, he moved to the National Center for Biotechnology (CSIC, Madrid). His interest is in understanding the ecology of aquatic microorganisms. Around 2005, he started to use genomics as a tool to generate hypotheses that could later be tested experimentally. He also likes to study extreme environments such as hypersaline systems, thermal springs, or polar waters. Another interest is in finding the mechanisms maintaining a large number of rare bacteria in aquatic ecosystems. He is also interested in outreach, relationships between art and science, biology of spirituality, fiction writing, and birding."

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia Los orígenes de la vida y su búsqueda en el universo

Los orígenes de la química de sistemas de la vida


Competición y cooperación entre replicones sencillos


Orígenes y evolución temprana de las vías metabólicas


Microorganismos en fuentes termales de Costa Rica a la Antártida


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