Penetrando bajo la piel rocosa de Atacama: el último refugio de la vida


Jacek Wierzchos is a Research Scientist at the National Museum of Natural Sciences (Spanish National Research Council). He earned a MSc in Chemistry and a PhD in Chemical Sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1990. J. Wierzchos is an expert in geomicrobiology of microbial ecosystems in extremely arid environments and skilled for the use of electron and photon microscopy. J. Wierzchos is a co-author of a pioneer method to study extant or extinct microorganisms inside rocks. His current investigation lines can be summarized as: life, death, biomineralization and fossilization of lithobiontic microorganisms and their importance as biosignatures. These investigation lines develop ways to search the intracellular secondary metabolites and provide us with a more solid background for speculations regarding the habitability of other planets. J. Wierzchos is lead of the group that discovered several novel photosynthetic niches in the core of the Atacama Desert. Actually his major areas of interest are the studies of endolithic microbial communities, their adaptation to desert extreme environment, characterization of deserts habitable rocks architecture and identification of biosignatures of extinct life within the rocks of hyperarid Atacama Desert.

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia Los orígenes de la vida y su búsqueda en el universo

Los orígenes de la química de sistemas de la vida


Competición y cooperación entre replicones sencillos


Orígenes y evolución temprana de las vías metabólicas


Microorganismos en fuentes termales de Costa Rica a la Antártida


Penetrando bajo la piel rocosa de Atacama: el último refugio de la vida


Los reinos del espacio, un banco de pruebas para la astrobiología


Caracterización y síntesis de materia orgánica en cometas y meteoritos


Detección y caracterización de planetas extrasolares parecidos a la Tierra


Búsqueda de vida en mundos oceánicos del sistema solar exterior
