"Carlos Martínez, he did his scientific research in several institutions. La Clínica Puerta de Hierro
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), the Basel Institute for Immunology (Basel,
Switzerland), the Umea University School of Medicine (Umea, Sweden), the Pasteur
Institute (Paris, France), the California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, California,
USA), the Severo Ochoa Center for Molecular Biology (Madrid, Spain), with short stays in
institutions including the Institute of Immunobiology of the Max Planck Society (Freiburg,
Germany), the Ontario Cancer Institute (Toronto, Canada), Millennium Pharmaceuticals
(Boston, Massachusetts, USA). He now works at the National Center for Biotechnology
(CNB/CSIC) in Madrid, where he was Vice-director and founded and directed the
Department of Immunology and Oncology from 1996 to 2004, thanks to a large
collaborative core grant from Pharmacia/Pfizer.
He has published more than 460 peer-reviewed publications in top journals. He is a
member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), the Academia Europea,
the Academy of Science and Technology Hassan II of Morocco, and Doctor honoris causa
of several universities. He is a member of the SAB of the Venetian Molecular Medicine
Institute (VIMM) of Padova and the Board of Trustees of the Universidad Politecnica de
Madrid. He is member of the editorial board and editor for several scientific publications.
He contributes regularly to science dissemination in the media, with more than 70
publications, radio and TV appearances.
He has received awards from the Spanish Royal Society of Natural Sciences, the
Fundación Ciencias de la Salud, as well as the DuPont Prize for Science, the Carmen y
Severo Ochoa, the Rey Jaime I Award for Scientific Research, the Lilly Award of
Investigación Preclínica, the Government of Castilla and León Prize, the International
Galen Award for Scientific Research, the Spanish National Award of Medicine Gregorio
Marañon, and the International Award for Science and Technology of the Government of
Mexico. He holds the Gran Cruz de la Orden del Mérito Civil.""La Fundación Ramón Areces no se hace responsable de las opiniones, comentarios o manifestaciones realizados por las personas que participan en sus actividades."