Modeling Graphene: Novel Electronic and Structural Properties


"Francisco Guinea has an extensive record of scientic contributions. As of June 2016, the Web of Science archive shows about 400 publications with over 30.000 citations, an h index of 75, and 55 articles with more than 100 citations. The papers cover many topics in condensed matter and statistical physics, including mesoscopic systems and quantum dissipation, materials science with emphasis on highly correlated systems, non equilibrium pattern formation, magnetism, and superconductor and semiconductor physics. Many articles deal with problems at the interface between these areas, and they show how concepts developed in a given subeld can be usefully applied to others.The list of scientific articles illustrate the broad reach of the collaborations. The Web of Science identities more than 200 co-authors from over 30 countries. There is also a small but constant fraction of single author papers. The bulk of the scientific production deals with theoretical modeling, although about 10%-20% of the papers involve collaborations with experimental groups. Research activities in other institutions Francisco Guinea has been invited for long term stays at a number of other institutions, like the KITP, Santa Barbara, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, University of California at San Diego, and Boston University. He has also been invited for shorter stays to the IBM Research Lab at R uschlikon, Switzerland, Technical University, Delft, Kernforschunganlage, J ulich, ENS, Paris, University of Karlsruhe, University of California at Davis, Los Alamos National Lab, University of California at Riverside, ICTP Trieste, Tel Aviv University, DIPC San Sebasti_an, and others. Francisco Guinea leads a group at the Imdea and CSIC made up of four persons with permanent positions and a dozen non permanent collaborators on the average, including postdocs, Ph. D. students, and long term visitors. Funding comes from national sources (MINECO), the ERC Advanced Grant program, and the European Union, through the Graphene Flagship initiative and others."

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia Materiales bidimensionales

Graphene and other 2D Materials


Modeling Graphene: Novel Electronic and Structural Properties


Redefining Electronics: System-level Applications of 2D Materials


Graphene Optoelectronics


Exotic 2D Materials


Probing Graphene Physics at the Atomic Scale


3D Graphene for Energy Storage


Vision and strategy: Commercialization and exploitation of research results


Nanotechnology and Entrepreneurship in Spain: Avanzare


Nanotechnology and Entrepreneurship in Spain: Prof. Frank Koppens


Política de innovación y transferencia tecnológica del CDTI


Nanotechnology and Entrepreneurship in Spain: Repsol


Graphene Flagship: An Opportunity and a Challenge


Electron transfer chemistry in graphene and 2D electronic materials


Graphene flexible electronics for funtional neural interfaces


Graphene Spintronics


Graphene Membranes for Water Purification


Roadmap of 2D Research and Commercialization: Tomás Palacios


Roadmap of 2D Research and Commercialization: Íñigo Charola


Roadmap of 2D Research and Commercialization: Mar García Hernández


Roadmap of 2D Research and Commercialization: Michael Strano


Roadmap of 2D Research and Commercialization: José Antonio Garrido


Roadmap of 2D Research and Commercialization: Rohit Karnik
