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Interpretación simultánea

Intérpretes: Interpretación Simultánea: AIS Comunicaciones. Intérpretes: Patricia Jarabo y Alejandro Caffarini. Asociación de Intérpretes de Conferencia de España (AICE)

How to face the challenge of climate change


The Fundación Ramón Areces and the London School of Economics and Political Science are organising on 26 September this conference with the participation of researchers Joana Seltzer and Alina Averchenkova.
The impact of climate change on the planet has become highly visible in recent years, although the trends studied by scientists and experts have been building up for decades. Many governments, international agencies and scientific institutions have issued powerful warnings about the potentially catastrophic consequences of inaction. However, the pace of action on climate change appears to be significantly slower than the scientific community has explained. This conference analyzes how a variety of climate action methods, legal processes and international governance requirements are trying to face the urgent challenge of climate change.

Ciencias SocialesEscuchando a la ciencia: cómo afrontar el reto del cambio climático.

How to face the challenge of climate change
